Sunday, May 8, 2011

The small symptoms of BP.

I have heard many say they are symptomatic with the big ups and downs.  I have noticed that I am symptomatic when I feel the slight changes in my moods.  The reason I say this is that I forever try to stop the symptoms when they start and recognizing when they start is the hard part.  I see the big dips in mood however it is when I feel the small ones that I need to pay attention to.  For instance today I could feel myself getting tired and sleepy then all the sudden getting restless (not sitting still).  The other night I was annoyed and irritated because I was hungry I was ready to bite someones head off.  These are the times that I need to be aware of- not because it is not normal to have these things go on it is that if I do not attend to them they get out of control for me.  I can get hungry but not stay hungry because if I do my mood takes a turn for the worst.  Not that people do not get irritable and restless then tired but if they change every 15 min or so there might be a problem.  It's all about learning about me.  The patterns is what teach me the most.  If I really look and am truly honest with myself I can see the problem before the problem starts.  The time to stop the fire is when it starts not when the fire truck have put it out already.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you to be able to recognize the warning signs. That's so important!
