Wednesday, August 3, 2011

puttin the pieces back together!

It seems like an eternity after a psychological breakdown happens that it takes to put the pieces back together.  You life seems to be in shambles.  If you are lucky you still have your job and the rest of you life in tact.  For those of you who lost a job or friends or family members due to your illness you know what I am talking about.  I went into the psych ward with a job and came out with out a job or an income.  This time I did not put myself into too much debt but I still have the wreckage to clean up.  After 3 months I finally have a job  and it seems like I have been out of work for a year.  Financially I took a dive. After years of going thru this I would like just once to be able to not have to start all over again.  The one thing in a long list of many I am grateful for is that my family and friends have not given up on me.  I have seen how mental illness takes its toll on loved ones.  My mother has always stood by me no matter what.  I have been lucky in that way.  My friends that I have managed to keep, as mental illness is has it's toll on relationships, have forgiven me over and over again in the past.  Today I have managed to keep the collateral damage down to a minimum.  The only wreckage I seem to have is financial.  I would like someday to be able to support myself without the help of others.  If this will ever happen I can then say I have gotten everything I need.